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Saturday, November 16, 2013

Why Healthy Food is Important

Your body uses the healthy food to create the energy needed to move, work and enjoy life . Fruits , vegetables , meat and fish that are eaten regularly, give your body what it needs through the nutrients they contain . Energy, by definition , is the ability to do the job. Your body takes the food you eat and breaks them down so that their stored energy can be used daily . The amount of energy that provides a food is measured in the number of calories in it . The more calories means more energy available.
In addition to a certain amount of calories every day, your body also requires a balanced variety of six different types of nutrients to function properly. These provide energy and materials to help repair the body after a workout . You may have heard the term essential nutrients, but what are they ? Basically these are the nutrients that your body can not produce itself and should come from good healthy food .
Are made from 80% of water. You can live several days without food, but need water on a daily basis . Did you know that continually lose water from your body when you breathe and sweat ? Many people do not realize that they lose water when they sleep at night. Here's a good tip health , consume one fifty-nine 8-ounce glasses of water as soon as you wake up . You will begin to hydrate your body and give it what it needs permanent water. Then spread six to eight glasses throughout the day to maintain a good water balance in your body.
Carbohydrates as they are commonly called , and fats are needed by the body for energy. One (1) gram of carbohydrate contains approximately four (4 ) calories. So if you feel tired, listless or irritable , it may be that you are not getting enough healthy energy producing carbohydrates . Add some good fruits and vegetables to your daily diet and avoid sugary drinks and sweets. Yes they have carbohydrates in them, but in the form of sugars and are not as good for the body , such as fruits and vegetables.
Fats are shunned by many people, especially when they start a diet and trying to lose weight. However, your body needs a certain amount of fat to function properly and maintain healthy skin , nails and hair. In addition , one ( 1) gram of fat contains a whopping nine ( 9) calories. Therefore, do not cut all the fat in your diet , instead, switch from eating bad fat sources to good fat sources.
Protein is very important that many people do not get enough nutrients. The protein can be used by the body as energy, one (1) gram of protein has four (4 ) calories. However, it has a very necessary function , providing the necessary materials that your body needs to repair and heal itself , especially after a tiring workout . It is well known that if you exercise regularly, you need to take a good source of high quality protein to help you recover from your workouts.
Here is something most people do not realize :
Body fat used to aid degradation proteins properly so that they can be better absorbed . This is one of the reasons why low carb, high fat and protein diets are used by people who are trying to reduce your body fat . Such diets work in the short term, but after a while people become irritable and cranky because they cut all carbs . I know when I cut my carbs when I was preparing for a bodybuilding contest , be depressed and moody , but my cheat day my attitude improved.
Vitamins and minerals
Your body needs a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals daily . These two nutrients work in your body to assist in all functions. Daily functions , such as moving, thinking , healing sore muscles and injuries as well as help break down carbohydrates , fats and proteins you eat into energy we all need vitamins and minerals. One of the best ways to ensure that you get enough is to take a good daily multivitamin .
Therefore, in order to build and maintain a healthy body and strong and full of energy, you need to eat healthy food and drinking water. Avoid any form of nutrients will through your body out of balance and affects your energy level . Make sure you add enough water to your diet and balance the amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins so you can live a healthy , well and enjoy life .

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